Thats right kittens it’s that time of year when quite enjoy changes its face. Since it’s 2014 and nothing really happened here in 2013 (due to the fact that my free time got eaten by an awesome toddler) I thought i’d mark the occasion by jazzing things up a bit. Now I realise that this site has had more face lifts than Joan Collins but what can I say? I enjoy the pretty things in life and so should you. So here’s a bit of a run down of some things that have changed:
The Profiles are gone
– Far too many spammers signing up to that chestnut for my liking
Everything is a bit more like a magazine
-We’re going to treat the site a bit more like articles now.
Funky floating featured images
-Sexy eh? Although you may notice the lack of them on a large number of the old posts.
Jenkins is now Hannon
-That’s right, the kid got married.
Brown is now Brownmoore
-That’s right, I…well to be fair I changed my name first.
As for updates, oh they’ll be coming; but on the more important things in life- like why is whiskey brown and what is that massive shadow looming over trafalgar square that looks like Robbie Coltrane?