Tuesday, October 8, 2024


The waiting game

Im a gamer- quite an avid one, but that said I am still yet to find myself in a situation where I am tempted...

The Legend of Zelda- 25th Anniversary Symphony

Im not even ashamed to admit that I am one of the biggest Zelda geeks that this floating rock in space has ever seen....


http://media.mtvnservices.com/mgid:moses:usermovie:gametrailers.com:358773Tags: GameTrailers.com, Gavinchi - GLITCH GALORE!!!, PC Games, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 I do Love me a good glitch in video games so I thought...

The Hylian Loach…13 years in the catching

God damn that took a long time. I mean a really long time. 13 years I've been trying to catch that damn fish! It all...

The Legend of Zelda…In your face, 3DS style.

The Legend of Zelda, Ocarina of Time 3D review. Its 1998, I am 13 years old. It is approaching christmas eve and I know for...

Wake up, Link

With the nintendo's launch of the 3DS now somewhat of a distant memory its amazing to think that they have only JUST added the...

Must Read

A Summer Wasting…

Psst, Hey Beebo

Arfenhouse: Teh Movie