Saturday, July 27, 2024
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QE Social

Yesterday we announced that we were adding Facebook comment integration and Google + to the site.
And that we did.
Today we did something else.
From today ,right now in fact, you can create an account on quiteenjoy that creates a social hub on the site. A new “Profile” link has appeared on the navi bar and a sign in box has appeared on the right hand side (unless you are already signed in, in which case its all your account links)
What do you get with all this social stuff then?

Activity Monitor

-See what your friends have been doing on the site – and see which forum topics they are writing in.

Friends List
– Add friends on the site and send messages between them


-Write some stuff about yourself with our rip-off equivalent of a Facebook wall.

So if you’ve already signed up to the forum then you have an account automatically So come along and start filling it out!

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Owner and lord high chancellor of the borough known as quiteenjoy. Loves fishing, hedge trimming, football and none of the above.

Psst, Hey Beebo

Arfenhouse: Teh Movie


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